Monday, July 12, 2010

Could Your AE's Do This?

Could your AE’s do this?

An article about the future of our business from Jim Doyle.

Ask yourself honestly. Could my AE’s do this?

The client: A furniture retailer in a Top 30 market.

Situation: Business “ok…but not great” Ad dollars split between multiple media and multiple stations. Print, radio cable, and 4 TV stations all being used..

The TV Station: The LSM and AE conducted a full 90 minute diagnosis of the clients issues directly with client. No selling was involved on this call. The ad agency was present but the meeting was with the client. That day the station learned that the chain’s total ad spend was over $1.5 m but that the client was not happy with results.

Proposed solution: Station suggested the client significantly reduce number of places they advertised. Provide multiple success stories of other businesses that had done this and seen results. Stations annual commitment went from $100,000 to over $600,000 by moving unproductive radio and some print money.

Client results: The chain experienced a 10% growth in sales in a market where overall furniture sales were down. Owner has already renewed commitment to station for Year 2.

Revenue impact to station: $1,000,000 already. Likely will continue to renew as results stay strong.

Could your AE’s sell this way?

Look at what was required…

- The station had a Local Sales manager who could actually sell and was out on calls instead of being office bound. Sadly, this doesn’t happen anywhere near enough.
- Both the AE and Sales Manager didn’t walk in to the client pitching the cheap spot package of the week. They were smart enough to spend a lot of time in diagnosis. And they knew what questions to ask. “Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice”
- They didn’t just focus on the share of the TV money they were getting but looked at all the money the client was spending. This seems simple but it’s a radical departure for most AE’s.
- They were smart enough to know that this client wanted impact not advertising. So they brought the client multiple success stories that reduced the risk of the client making the decision.
- The selling approach was totally customer and results focused.

This station created a huge win/win. A big revenue win for them. A growth win for their client. And a customer who will likely have some loyalty to them. Not a quick hit sale that doesn’t renew.

So let me be blunt. If your AE’s can’t do this kind of selling you’ve got big problems. I hate to tell you this. Most AE’s don’t have a clue how to do this. They are hanging on to a business that no longer exists.

We need a revolution in the way we approach TV sales. We’ve got huge local opportunities. But we need to change the way we sell locally.

Would you like to have a training program that is actually a profit center? We teach your AE’s our UPGRADE Selling process. And then our 7 Senior Consultants makes advertiser calls side by side with your team that makes your station money. A lot of money.. We’ll work in 63 markets this year and our typical year one ROI is 7-10x investment. To learn more or check availability in your market call Jim Doyle personally at 941-926-SELL.